Unfortunately, I've needed to take a break from blogging. It was something that came about very unexpectedly, but I really needed the time to gather my thoughts, and deal with some life difficulties, both new and old. I'm feeling much better, and just getting back into the swing of things so I just wanted to very quickly update so that it doesn't seem like I've completely disappeared. I'll be posting a more detailed update within the next day or two, to let everyone know what's been going on. I'd also like to switch things up a bit with the next few posts, and I'd like to begin focusing a bit more on dealing with mental illness naturally, since that's really the reason I began my journey into holistic nutrition in the first place. I will most definitely still be posting fun new recipes that I'm trying out which support a healthy lifestyle, but I'm also planning to speak more about my personal life balancing everyday life and motherhood with mental illness, and learning how to manage my symptoms using a holistic approach.
Thank you so much for all of the support. If anyone would like to stay updated with what I'm up to day to day then please click the link and come check out my Facebook page, Semi Raw Kind of Life.
Love & Light