Sunday, August 28, 2016

Light Summertime Pasta Salad

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So we've had an insanely busy past couple of weeks. I was meaning to write a longer post about what we've been up to, and the many delicious foods that we've had the opportunity to explore, and enjoy. But I honestly just haven't had the time.
Between taking care of my daughter, and taking family trips to various vegan events, I've also had a couple of job interviews. Yes, I am finally going back to work after having been a stay at home mother for nearly four and a half years! My daughter is also starting pre-k in just a week, so we were busy touring different schools. So there's certainly been a lot going on in a very short amount of time.
Please wish me luck, as I've applied for a job that I would absolutely love! Being a wellness specialist at an organic market, and having the oppourtunity to work with people, discussing various supplements, herbs, essential oils, and all things holistic, and wellness related. Right now it really is a dream job for me, and it's for a company that I'm extremely passionate about, as they're highly committed to sustainability, and supporting small, local businesses, and organic farms.
So I'm definitely hoping that this is the job that I get.
I will absolutely be posting about some of the fun things we've been doing, and vegan events that we went to over the past two or so weeks, but I wanted to post something fun, and short first.

As part of our very busy couple of weeks, yesterday was our annual block party. It's an extremely fun event, as most of our neighbors are all very close with one another. So it's just one big party. And of course there's always tons of fun kids activities. We had this really amazing bouncy house this year with a giant slide, that I'm not going to lie, I totally wanted to hop on in, and jump, and play right along with the kids.

So it's basically like a giant potluck. Every house contributes a dish or two to the main center table setup. And I'm very honored, and proud to say that my pasta salad was one of the first dishes to go; it was gobbled up so quickly by everyone. No one likely even realized that it was a completely vegan dish, and pretty healthy to boot.

For the pasta, I used a spelt penne. If you're not familiar with spelt, its a European strain of wheat that's been cultivated for thousands of years. It's an heirloom variety, that many consider an "ancient grain." Though it is still widely used, and is the primary strain of wheat eaten in many parts of Europe, including Italy. If you travel to Italy you'll likely be eating quite a bit of spelt, and you wouldn't even know it.
There are many benefits to eating spelt over other types of wheat, even typical whole wheat that's normally found in grocery stores.
Spelt is a whole grain, and it differs from other types of wheat in that it's naturally much higher in both protein, and fiber content. Fiber is incredibly important for overall health. It helps lower LDL, which is bad cholesterol, and raises HDL, your good cholesterol. It also helps you lose, and maintain a healthy weight, and aids in digestion.

And of course, as vegans often get the age old question, "but how do you get protein?" Right here in plants! Yes, even wheat contains protein, and spelt has an especially high protein content.
Aside from that, spelt contains all essential amino acids, and tons of vitamins, and minerals.
People with sensitivities to wheat, or gluten often report being able to eat spelt without any issues. This is because of the way that spelt is grown, and cultivated. Essentially all spelt sold in stores is organic, and always non-GMO. It's also very minimally processed, making it much easier for people to digest.
Though, of course, if you have diagnosed celiac then you won't be able to consume spelt, as it does contain gluten.

Honestly, I went into the day having completely no idea what I was going to be making for the block party. I had been so busy leading up to it, that I just hadn't given it any thought. It was an extraordinarily hot, sticky, humid day, so I definitely didn't want to make anything that would be too heavy. I quickly thought about what I had on hand, and threw this little number together, and it ended up being a fantastic hit.
It tastes so light, and perfect for a hot summer day.
Bear with me, because I really didn't measure anything out for this dish. Like I said, I really just threw some things that I had on hand together, so as I was making it, it was all just based on taste, and not measurements. The benefit of that is that you can be really flexible with this recipe. You can add more, or less of whatever you like to create the perfect flavor profile for you. And honestly, it's so simple, it would be next to impossible to screw up.

Fresh Basil from our backyard garden.

Pasta Salad Recipe:
- 1lb Spelt Penne pasta, or pasta of choice
- Basil, cut in to a chiffonade (about 1 Cup after chopping)
- 1.5 cups Grape Tomatoes
- about 1/5 to 3/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Lemon Juice from 1/2 to 1 full Lemon
- Salt & Pepper to taste

- Cook the pasta according to the directions on the package.
- Cut your tomatoes in half lengthwise.
- Cut your basil in a chiffonade style.
- Drain, and rise your pasta with cold water.
- Add Olive Oil, Basil, Tomatoes, Lemon Juice, and salt & pepper to taste.
- Mix, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, and serve.

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